Changes, Changes, Changes

I haven’t blogged since last year! It’s crazy how occupied and crazy things get that I have totally neglected my journal. Insane how much life can change in the course of a year. Not only has my career path changed but I’ve also moved schools. This year has been a difficult one, but at the same time I feel that it will definitely define the path that my life moves towards. After by abrupt decision to switch my major to pre-nursing last fall, and thus move schools this january things have certainly gotten a little crazy.  This summer I will be applying for the nursing program this coming January, I’m so nervous about that but, I realize that I have never wanted something so much before. I’m exited, and nervous for that yes or no. Prayers regarding that decision are more than welcome and appreciated. I feel that this is the path that God has laid before me so ultimately it is up to him.

Last semester consisted of and overflow of sciences, microbiology, and two anatomies all with labs, I am shocked that I actually survived given the fact that I had not taken a science course in about 3 years. In the midst of that craziness to finish my requisites for my application I realized that it is something that I love. Ultimately I am so happy to feel so passionate about something, and to know that it is indeed, and finally my desire. The more I know the more in love I fall with the perfect engineering of our bodies. I’m exited to see where this year leads, and I’m trying to take it one day at a time.


Here’s a cute photo of a parrot from the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. 🙂

P.S. I plan to keep up with my blog more often! & also for any of you who love movies I highly recommend The Painted Veil I don’t know how I lived all these years without watching it! It involved all of my favorite things in one movie, a dramatic romance situated in China during the 1920s, an orphanage, plus EDWARD NORTON as a bacteriologist (gasp), and a cholera outbreak (how more romantic can you get?). Here’s the trailer, but sadly it is about the worst spoiler filled trailer I’ve seen in my life. BEWARE. I think I’ll watch it again tonight. 🙂