Yellowstone Anniversary Trip

“Adventure is worthwhile in itself ” -Amelia Earhart

For our fist anniversary we decided to road trip up to Yellowstone, Wyoming National Park. Truly it was the absolute most beautiful place I have seen in my life thus far. It was quite the change in scenery, compared to our lovely California smog. Dominic and I had never been camping together before, and this was the absolute best place for it. It was actually the National Parks Centennial Celebration, which made it all the more perfect. If you’re from Southern California, I guarantee that the fourteen hour drive is totally worth it.

The wildlife in Yellowstone was incredible, and aside from the boardwalks to keep safe from the geysers, this place is largely untouched by humans. We saw herds of bison everywhere we went, we were even lucky enough to witness a confrontation between a male of a bison and another male. On our list of wildlife spotted were: big horn sheep, bison (a lot of them), deer, elk, black bears, foxes, and tons of beautiful birds.

It was such a blessing to spend our first wedding anniversary around such beauty, it was a beautiful reminder of God’s goodness in my marriage so far, along with the beauty of his creation. If I learned anything it is to stop and ponder, in the craziness of my everyday life, in the nothingness and in the trivial activities of my days I’ve forgotten look outside and breathe (sure even if its the smog), I’ve forgotten to be thankful for the beauty that surrounds me, even if at times it isn’t so obvious.